Input panel


The word you write here will be displayed as expression that will be explained.

Auto Update Heading & Key

If you choose this option the heading and the key will be automatically updated according to the given word. The heading is the first character of the word and the key is equals to the word.


The heading is typically a character or a symbol.


The Key of an entry has to be unique. LaTeX uses the key to reference to the entry. If you create a new entry the key will be an empty string.


There you insert the definition of your entry. If you want to reference to another entry in your file, you can open the popup menu and choose the corresponding entry by clicking on Add glossary reference .



If you choose this item the following LaTeX code will be inserted at the current cursor position:


If you choose this item the following LaTeX code will be inserted at the current cursor position:


If you choose this item the following LaTeX code will be inserted at the current cursor position:


Code Environments



Code with White Spaces


Embededded Code

Embedded Code with White Spaces


Embedded Formula


Enumerated Equation


Equation Array



Short Quotation







Font Family

You can choose between these three font families:

  1. Roman: \rmfamily
  2. Sans Serif: \sffamily
  3. Typewriter: \ttfamily
Font Shapes

You can choose beteween these four font shapes:

  1. Vertical: \upshape
  2. Italic: \itshape
  3. Slanted: \slshape
  4. Small Caps: \scshape
Font Series

You can choose beteween these two font series:

  1. Medium: \mdseries
  2. Bold: \bfseries